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DateTime  GMT+8
Travel Log of the First tour group to Timor-Leste: Day Three
Day Three Met Mafia at the Bureau of Investment, showed love at the orphanage
Ambassador Vicky arranged a business day for us. We arrived at the Investment and Private Sector Agency of Timor-Leste in the morning. The Secretary of State gave us a brief introduction of Timor-Leste and investment policies. After that, Ambassador Vicky introduced a colleague to us. His Chinese name is Du Fei, but when he pronounced his name, it sounded like mofia.
Grace and Kelly had working lunch with the Minister of Finance of Timor-Leste. We headed to the orphanage to visit the orphans. It took about 1 hour to get the orphanage in Maubara. There were 40 orphans in the orphanage, mostly are girls. When the kids saw us, they lined up and welcomed us with beautiful songs. We took out our presents which were toothbrush, badminton, balls, stationeries and etc. when we talked to the head of the orphanage, we found out that what the kids needed were food. We felt that we should’ve gone to the supermarket to get some food for the children.
After we left the orphanage, we came to Benteng, a Portuguese restaurant in a yard near the beach with beautiful garden. We all loved the food there. It was 10 dollars each. In the afternoon, we went to the local Chamber of Commerce. Kelly introduced the Yiwu City, the distribute base of merchandise.
In the evening, we came to the Ministry of Tourism and Minister for Tourism received us and gave us two presents. The Minister held a reception for us in the yard of Ministry of Tourism, and invited two famous TV host to be the MC. The Minister wished that there will be more Chinese tourists coming to visit Timor-Leste. Ambassador expressed that Timor-Leste had to be capable to receive Chinese tourists. Minister spoke 10 languages including Mandarin, Portuguese, English, French and etc.  The food on the reception was quite characteristic. That our group was received by the Minister of Tourism was on the news on Timor Post.